LAX Airport Totems / Realtime Time Tower

Like an invitation to travel, passengers are invited to follow the flow which guide them to their destination departure.

lax logo by night
plane take off at lax airport
lax airport terminal with clouds
lax airport interactive totems live photo
lax airport interactive totems render russia
lax airport interactive totems render england
lax airport interactive totems render thailand
lax airport aerial by night
general look of the lax time tower
time tower live shot from under
general look of the lax time tower
time tower data computing

Produced for Moment Factory Montreal, we designed this 2D and 3D motion graphics footage featuring real time and weather around the globe on the gigantic LED World Clock in the LAX transit international airport.
The interactive totems invite travelers in transit at Los Angeles to 4 destinations such as Australia, Great Britain, Thailand or Russia. With passengers flow, they will move accordingly triggered by movement, timings and flux.

Production / Realtime developmentMoment Factory Montreal

Art Direction Bloc D

3D modeling / texturing / AnimationBloc D

Client LAX International Airport